Uncooperative Spouse

Dealing with an uncooperative spouse plagues many within the divorce arena.  Often, a difficult spouse is simply angry about the process or upset at the loss of the marriage.  If your spouse is naturally angry and difficult (or controlling), he or she will make your case slightly more difficult and may cause some permissive delay.  However, many seasoned attorneys know how to handle a spouse.  Some attorneys, unfortunately, feed on the dysfunction and let the client run the show for billing purposes.  Your job is to make sure you have a lawyer that can handle a difficult spouse and knows how to handle an opposing attorney that's allowing the problem to continue.

Other spouses have far more difficulty with their case because their spouse suffers from some variety of a personality disorder, to include Borderline Personality Disorder (with or without Cluster B symptomology), exhibits Narcissistic traits, or worse yet, the spouse has degraded to delusional behavior.  These types of cases are some of the most difficult cases, and even more so, when young children are involved.

If you find youself dealing with a disordered spouse, your case will take some time and manipulation by a very seasoned divorce lawyer that knows what to expect.  Spouses with disorders have a general tendency to be problematic and mischievous in the process, so you can't allow those types of spouses to operate without strict oversight.

Many spouses find themselves having hired a lawyer that simply can't handle a mentally-impaired spouse or up against an attorney that lacks the skill sets to manage his own client's mental health in the process.  Often times, supervised visitaiton is mandated by the Court because these spouses are dangerous.  Their behavior crosses social norms and laws to the extent that the child must be informed (by the presence of a supervisor) that the behavior is not normal and not to be modeled.

Mr. Nordini has extensive experience in managing cases that involve mental health issues and has conduced voluminous research on the laws that pertain to protecting children and handling otherwise problematic spouses and parents.  Each case is different and a plan must be put into place on how to best handle these types of cases. While these are all unfortunate events, a well versed attorney will be able to help you through the process. If you would like more information about this topic or would like to speak with Mr. Nordini, just contact him with your concerns.

For more information, please call for a no-cost phone consultation
Paul D. Nordini
(480) 527-9000 
Or Email:

Nordini & Thompson

Divorce and Custody Lawyers